Thursday, October 30, 2008

Livingston County Recycles

Some people aren't aware that Livingston County now recycles. There are recycling trailers at various locations throughout the county plus you can take your items to the convenience center on the Cutoff Road!! It's a great service our county is offering and I hear other counties nearby are envious. If you need more information just contact the judges office.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Check out this cool website and find out how you can make money recycling ordinary containers you use in your home. Go to and see what they're up to. My middle school classes are going to start upcycling plastic bottles to make money for our school. We're still waiting for TC to find a corporate sponsor and then away we go!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Living Green in Livingston County

Are you interested in living in a community that is cleaner and healthier? Stay tuned to Living Green in Livingston as I post information and links that will help you to make your home and community a better place to live and work.

Livingston County is such a beautiful place to live and to raise a family. The photo below was taken on a gorgeous summer evening when the sun was setting over the Ohio and Cumberland Rivers.